November 28, 2006

“Becoming dead to the Spirit is likewise easier than dying to the self in which we have invested our identity… above all, the self is adept at heralding a cosmetic adjustment as a radical change” (Donald Nicoll). Read more

November 27, 2006

“The classroom cannot compete with the glitter and the billion dollar success and the prestige of this commercial education… disguised as entertainment and which by-passes the intelligence while operating on the will and the desires” (Marshall McLuhan, The Mechanical Bride). So, I ask, why bother? Why bother competing? Because you’re either going to lose and look ridiculously imitative and envious; or, you’re going to get caught up in the upwardly mobile church movement which is bound to crash because it... Read more

November 27, 2006

i’ve had this song in my mind for years, tried adapting it for worship, etc., but it has always been this kind of instrumental song. i imagine it being used in a movie… maybe during a romantic scene, or a good-bye scene between lovers. <br /> <a mce_href=”″ rel=”enclosure” xhref=”″>MP3 File</a></p><br /> Read more

November 27, 2006

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November 27, 2006

“Come, and still your soul, like a child on his daddy’s knee. Come to the quiet. Come, still your soul… completely.” (John Michael Talbot) Read more

November 26, 2006

This is a small watercolor I did this week and is available in my online art gallery (to the right!). Many of my paintings have this perspective of looking up. Some have suggested it represents the spiritual component of my life. I also find incredible inspiration from the night sky. When the stars are shining, I often have a strong sense of God’s presence. Like last night, it helps me clear my mind and center down. Smoking my pipe sometimes... Read more

November 25, 2006

This is a song I sang a long time ago in our church and decided it wasn’t appropriate for congregational singing. However, one member and a dear friend of mine loved it and continued to request it. She’s recently been diagnosed with Altzeimer’s and hasn’t been well for a while. I decided, in dedication to her, to spend time today laying down a really rough version of the song. <br /> <a mce_href=”″ rel=”enclosure” xhref=”″>MP3 File</a></p><br /> Read more

November 25, 2006

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November 25, 2006

“A supernatural experience of our contingency is a humility which loves and prizes above all else our state of moral and metaphysical helplessness before God” (Thomas Merton). Read more

November 24, 2006

This morning I took Lisa to work on my way to the church. She does part-time home-health care for a lady with MS. The kids slept in since there’s no school today. The church was quiet this morning. I was feeling a little lonely when Sandy, one of my leaders, called. She wanted to know if I would be interested in a visit. She brought me a Tim Hortons coffee and one of their breakfast sandwiches (with sausage). Lisa (from... Read more

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