CUUPS Projects Birthing and Blossoming!

CUUPS Projects Birthing and Blossoming! March 27, 2017

Welcome Spring! Photo © Kishgraphics

It is Spring and the CUUPS board has been very busy creating new projects and birthing ones that have been gestating for a while now. Brochures, a book, General Assembly banners, and more!

The Website…

Our website is going to go through and update. We will be adding new information, updating some of the old information and adding more chapters that have been approved. We work to update at least once a quarter and are currently setting up a schedule for updates. If you see something like a broken link, missing chapter, and have other information you would like to see let us know by writing Please put “Website Updates” in the subject area.

UU Pagan Pamphlet
Cover for UU Pagan Pamphlet


We are hearing from many of you a request for a more comprehensive brochure about CUUPS. That is in discussion, and we are crafting what we want it to say that is in alignment with our mission, vision, and organizational branding, as well as the UUA’s branding.  If your chapter has a current brochure you are using please send a low-resolution pdf to the email above. We would love to see what you are all up to. As the definition of UU Paganism expands, we want to be more inclusive in how not only we language ourselves, but how we can support chapters in speaking the organization too.

Currently however, there are a series of rack card style brochures online in the Resources section of the CUUPS website. Your chapters can download them to take to a printer and use them in your congregation’s brochure rack or at your local Pagan bookstores who welcome them. The brochures are set up for a printer to print two on an 8.5” x 11” paper and cut them down to size. The UUA also has a pamphlet called Faith of Unitarian Universalist Pagans for your congregations to distribute.

Skinner House Pagan Voices Book…

Pagan UU Voices Book
Cover for the book “Pagan and Earth-Centered Voices in Unitarian Universalism”

This last week, Skinner House Press released a presale invitation for its new book in the “Voices in Unitarian Universalism” series. It is the fourth book in the series with books on Christian, Jewish, and Buddhist voices.  Pagan and Earth-Centered Voices in Unitarian Universalism is a set of 22 essays by some of the most prominent leaders in Unitarian Universalist Paganism bring Pagan and Earth-centered theo/alogy to life for a new generation.  The book was compiled and edited by Rev. Shirley Ranck, author of “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” and Rev. Jerrie Hildebrand, VP of Communications in CUUPS and minister with Circle Sanctuary. The book has taken two years to come together in a way that exemplifies the depth, diverse thought, philosophies and traditions celebrated by UU Pagans and nature-centered traditions.

New CUUPS GA Banner
Illustration of CUUPS General Assembly Banner Vision

Chapters Needed for New Banner Project…

There is an exciting project for chapters to get involved with!! We are creating a new banner for General Assembly as well as a booth banner for conferences and gatherings we attend as an organization. For the initial part of the project we are doing the GA banner first! Here you will see the idea for the banner the board has chosen.

We need ten chapters to support the project. Each chapter will design a panel for a specifically assigned element. These are not illustrated panels. They are more abstract and collage like in nature using colors to invoke each element. Once we have ten chapters volunteer there will be a web-based conference call to explain the vision. They will be created on paper, scanned in and printed on a canvas like material to use in the GA Banner Parade and at our booths.

If your chapter is interested in playing, please write ASAP!  It will be a fun opportunity to have a creative gathering to invent your piece and contribute to the work of CUUPS.  The project will happen between April 15, 2017 to May15, 2017 so there will be enough time to get the banner produced. If anyone owns a banner printing company and would like to participate please contact us via that email address also.

Lastly, thank you…

I don’t ever feel people or organizations say thank you enough in today’s world. I want to thank each of you who read this blog, contribute to the organization, are members, friends and chapters, and create magnificent work in the world. CUUPS is blessed by who you each are! Bright blessings to you!




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