July 29, 2011

IMAGE: The planet Earth as viewed from space. Wikimedia Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Ode to Gaia by E. W. Richardson I woke to soft mists over the river, A chilled, liquid, world where dew falls as rain From the trees in muted musical notes And the air is faintly luminescent… A surreal place of contrasts and shadows In pastel hues applied with a soft brush. I kneel beside last night’s campfire and brush Away ash, which... Read more

July 21, 2011

Every week there are new press releases, articles, information, and videos popping up concerning Paganism, spirituality, health, or disabilities. Community Linkage is a collection of useful information and sometimes entertainment for you. Spirituality Sally Kemp writes the Patheos blog Meditation for Life. Her post “The Open-Eyed Mediation of Delight” discusses practicing acceptance and awareness of delight and satisfaction. “You might try this at a party or some other social gathering—giving yourself moments when you just savor the taste of party... Read more

July 19, 2011

There is no denying that J.K. Rowling’s fantasy children’s series Harry Potter is a global phenomenon. The movies and books broke financial and translation records. The tales have encouraged people of all ages to read and use their imagination. As fantastical as the wizarding world is, the heroes are very human in how they struggle with their emotions and doing what is right. However, it isn’t just the very real people involved with the triumphs and tragedies which make the... Read more

July 17, 2011

Thanks Trish Brubaker for posting this to Facebook. Activist, author, and priestess Starhawk commented that she uses the song in ritual to call the elements. VIDEO: Harry Belafonte and the Muppets sing a song taken from African tradition and folklore. The song is based on a story from Guinea. Harry sang this song years later at Jim Henson’s memorial service. Click through the video to visit YouTube where you can choose CC options. We come from the fire Livin’ in... Read more

July 13, 2011

by guest author Janet Callahan According to the March of Dimes, 12.8% of births in the United States are premature – less than 37 weeks gestation. In most developed countries, it’s a little less, 5-9%. The reason for premature birth is never determined in fully half of those births. Still, that’s a lot of babies – 1 in 8 – so I know we can’t possibly be the only Pagan family who’s been through the NICU wringer. IMAGE: Premature infant... Read more

July 12, 2011

These are my core beliefs. Those ideas that shape who I am and who I would like to be. Some days I’m more true to myself than others. As above, so below. The Divine Consciousness has many faces and has been interpreted in many ways. All of reality is bound together through “The Web”. The Self and the Universe (or Universes) are divine. Nature is cyclical. Every person is responsible for their own actions. We are interdependent on our world... Read more

July 11, 2011

IMAGE: Children and adults are excited by a plunging swinging ship ride. Photo by D Sharon Pruitt CC License Many folks associate summer fun with going to an amusement park. Maybe you’ve been in line for a ride and noticed someone in a wheel chair and those with them, getting to bypass the line and even ride twice in a row. No, they didn’t pay extra for a fast pass. This is just one way that amusement parks can accommodate... Read more

July 8, 2011

There are Pagan charities but currently they are few and far between. Beside the obvious life saving support Medicare and Social Security Disability (SSD) or Social Security Insurance (SSI) provides, we are getting assistance without having to declare our personal religious creed. As Pagans, we understand what it’s like to be the target of religious prejudice. Those Pagans who are also disabled and poor get prejudice on all sides. Those of us who do not have wealthy families have to... Read more

July 5, 2011

Every week there are new press releases, articles, information, and videos popping up concerning Paganism, spirituality, health, or disabilities. Community Linkage is a collection of useful information and sometimes entertainment for you. Disputes Over Pharmaceutical and Government Spending nature.com “Harvard scientists disciplined for not declaring ties to drug companies” by Penny Sarchet “Three US psychiatrists, responsible for trailblazing the use of antipsychotic drugs in children, are facing sanctions for their failure to declare their acceptance of millions of dollars from... Read more

July 4, 2011

On July Fourth, the United States of America celebrates the signing of our Declaration of Independence. One of the document’s most famous quotes is “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Over sixty years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt shared his vision for the security and economic liberty of the American people... Read more

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