New York Subway Experiment: A Little Friday Funny

New York Subway Experiment: A Little Friday Funny November 8, 2013

I am absolutely convinced that one of the major themes of Jesus’s teaching was that the kingdom of God comes not through the regularly relied upon means, but when we are able to allow our imaginations to run wild with hope and love and joy that leads us to the impractical, the implausible, the complete surprise. The kingdom is always a surprise. The kingdom is always a creative leap into the absurd. The Jesus way means taking a flyer – making a choice with an uncertain outcome because you believe more in the future of God than your own past. This means that imagination and creativity are absolutely necessary if you want to be a part of the kingdom, and the well trodden trails of our culture or our own past will not be much help at all.

Cheers to these folks who spent the time on this clip. This is not a meaningless stunt. This is how the kingdom comes! One sassy, hilarious, senseless act of beauty, body, and guts at a time.

Happy Friday Everyone! Take a moment to use your imagination and do something completely unexpected and fun form someone in your life today.

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