‘Let us covenant together’ – How the church can SURJ – 3

‘Let us covenant together’ – How the church can SURJ – 3 April 22, 2016

In How the church can SURJ 2– I began to outline principles for SURJ change in the church. This post continues with more principles.

Principle 2: Covenant to form accountable ‘action and reflection’ groups among local/regional powers who have pledged to their constituencies to take ‘risks’ for racial justice. Afterall, covenants are biblical. God used them for a reason. When I became vicar a ‘Covenant of Ministry was signed by me and the leadership board of my congregation. Wider church leaders can do likewise when it comes to racial justice. If it is a priority it will need to be taken seriously. When something truly matters in the church world, covenants are made.

Preparation: Embrace the concept that change-making without risk taking is impossible. Meditate on this, calling to mind movements that enacted social change, from Civil Rights to Suffragettes, and especially think about the ‘Jesus Movement,’ not in terms of ‘WWJD’ but  ‘WDJD.’  

Also, realize that a clarion call for change from your denominational head is a key catalyst for inspiring and motivating the implementation of this change process at the local-regional judicatory level.

Activity: Judicatory heads take the leap and form annually covenanted groups to include at least three geographically adjacent judicatory heads within your own denomination. Communicate information about the formation of the group and name the group members to your diocese/conference/region/synod.

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