Ramadhan 2016 – Day 24 (An-Najm)

Ramadhan 2016 – Day 24 (An-Najm) June 29, 2016

quran day 24


This chapter is possibly the science of revelation, that is, how revelation is received, measured and applied in Quran. The first thing to note is that the word ‘quran’ itself is nowhere present in this chapter. Traditionalists merely assumed it is talking about Quran and the Prophet who is also not mentioned.


53/1-15 tells us what happens during revelation. Vs 1 talks about the star which is symbolic for the events in our lives (stars give guidance like a map). The star descends (‘hawaa’) which means events happen. The ‘companion’ here is none other than our soul (which is mentioned in verse 23 experiencing the same ‘descent’ or ‘tahwaa’). At that point, it does not speak upon delusion. Rather it is an inspiration (53/3-4). This process is when the divine comes close to us and our rational minds are unable to refute it. It also brings us in the proximity of the sheltering garden.


Vs 18 onwards compares this process to the earthly life. 18 tells us that these are signs of his lord which are greatest. 19-21 talk about the opposite experiences. That of ‘laat’ (possibilities, non-acceptance of events), ‘’uzza’ (power, honour, glory) and manaat (sexual gratification). Vs 23 tells us that these are essences that we ourselves gave authority no, not God. This is equated to the weaker aspect of man fulfilling his desire even though the ultimate result is Allah.


53/36-39 mentions the pages of musa (referring to the story of musa in Quran) and Ibrahim who is said to ‘waffa’ (fulfil all his covenants). Both these personalities are connected to the solitary nature of everyone carrying his own burden and the insan/weaker aspect of man receiving only what he runs (makes a visible effort) for. These are the correct responses to revelation – by following these personalities.


Vs 57 up till the end shows the link between revelation and judgement. No soul can lay it bare, only Allah can. This event of revelation is called ‘hadhal hadith’, an event which consumes the entirety of experience. We thus should be weeping at its severity, submit to God and serve Him.

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