Saturday on the Links

Saturday on the Links August 29, 2015

Matt sent me a ton of interesting links this week, I guess to wake me up every morning. Heaven forbid I continue on in a complacent stupor of quietness and peace.

The Bad Link Some young lady over at the Huffington Post thinks she knows why Josh Duggar cheated on his wife. If you can make it through the whole article, reward yourself with a tater tot. She does have hints of reality dawning on her–it is ridiculous to expect people, even Christians, to be good. But then she falls into a muddled mess of license and bad thinking–Sex is good (yes), all sex is good (no), well consensual sex is good (um, yes, but not all consensual sex is good) and finally, science will save us (um, no). At the end, I found I had two words jangling around for Miss Block (assuming she is a Miss, which is probably an offensive assumption). Planned Parenthood. Those were the two words. Everything she said about sex and science being awesome and Christians being dumb bricks…Planned Parenthood. Riddle me that, Miss Block, and then I’ll consider the goodness of all you hold dear.

The Good Link Chuck Collins, whose book I have almost completely read, gives a good reason for you to wake up tomorrow morning and go to church even if you don’t want to. If you were thinking about sleeping in, and it being such a chore, Get Up Anyway, and Go! It’ll be great. At the very least, you can people watch, and try to picture God watching you while you watch all the weirdos. It’s true, as my father always says, Christians are so weird, but you should go be with them anyway because Jesus was the ultimate and only Not Weird Person Ever and he will be there.

The Super Awesome Funny Link I didn’t grow up here, in America, and so I missed a lot of important cultural information, which Matt is always doing his best to remediate. Here is my first introduction to the Doors, [language warning] which I had never even heard of by the hearing of the ear. Spent a vague amount of time listening to the only good song but tired and went back to reading the Internet. So, have a lovely day! If you like that sort of thing. I’ll be doing important church work, because I’m so holy and stuff, probably holier than you, especially if you skip church. Don’t Skip Church! Even if you’re a bad person, Especially If You’re A Bad Person!

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