Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! November 26, 2015


Today I’m thankful, without any reservations,

For Matt and his boundless patience and also that he does the turkey.

For Elphine washing everybody’s bedding this week including mine.

For the relative health and robustness of the children.

For the freedom to worship publicly.

For the witness of Christians around the world who haven’t given up, or given in, even in the face of persecution and death.

For the witness and love of the people of Good Shepherd and their devotion to Jeaus.

For the freedom to educate my children according to my own faith and convictions even though the whole enterprise regularly drives me crazy.

For my mom and dad and Matt’s parents and their abounding love and graciousness in everything.

For the abundance of food on a day like today, that is both richly delicious and wasn’t farmed and raised by me so that I could wander around losing bits of paper, fail to be on time for appointments, write this blog, take the new puppy for a walk, drive around Binghamton looking for St. Nicholas presents, read snatches of books, try to cover my gray hair with red dye, generally be the selfish, fascinating person that I am. Praise God! Praise God for Aldi!

For a garage so that, even though I live in the land of the north, I very rarely experience any weather or cold at all except to gaze at it through my thick, expensive windows.

For the Tueaday Bible Study which is the best hour of the week.

For Alouicious being so obsessed with earning Xbox time that he dismantled a horrible broken dresser with a scredriver and hammer and then cleaned up the basement.

For Romulus laboriously peeling apples because he’s the only one that really adores and loves apple pie and was worried there wouldn’t be enough.

For the abounding tiny teacups that were sent to me from Oregon and turned out to be gorgeously perfect for chocolate pots.

For the gold spray paint that I will applying liberally to a lot of leaves and stuff for my table, hopefully, but if that doesn’t work for Wegmans Flowers.

For Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and the chance to watch my children’s faith and love for Jesus unfold in quiet and beauty.

For technology.

Not that Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is in the same realm as technology…..these are in no particular order.

For Spell Check. My gratitude for spell check is beyond adequate expression. I am not, however, very grateful or happy about autocorrect.

I’m trying to decide if I’m grateful about this sunrise. I guess I am. I mean, it is beautiful. On the other hand, I am awake to see it. I guess, though, I will go with grateful.

For my virtual, online community of friends.

For the friends that I see and talk to in person.

For the saving grace of Jesus.

For Matt’s preaching.

For lots of other things that I should take the trouble to number, like the fact that I got to write a book, who even gets to do that, again so thankful not to be an agrarian farm wife, but I need to get up and get cinnamon rolls in the oven or everyone else’s gratitude levels will plunge into the pit of despair along with their blood sugar. Happy Thanksgiving Ya’ll!

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