Rain, Links, Dead-naming, Check your Outrage

Rain, Links, Dead-naming, Check your Outrage May 2, 2016

So. Much. Rain. Didn’t realize it was actually morning because of all the gray and rain. I suppose it’s just as well since I have to run around doing all the things, and won’t be tempted whatsoever by the out of doors.

Truly disappointed because I had been planning for some time to do Saturday on the Synodical Links, even going so far as to actually save up links, only to find that sleep wrenched my carefully considered plans from my grasp, along with any inkling of hope for a podcast.

So, in honor of the rain and my ruined routine, here are some of things I read last week. First up, sanity from Simcha, as usual. Oh my word is she so right. But not just about motherhood. This is our brave new world. Anything you say or do is fodder for outrage. Here’s Ricky Gervais rightly quashing the ridiculous idea that you shouldn’t be allowed to speak of the person who had heretofore previously existed but now has changed their gender or whatever and so we must pretend that history is in fact not a thing.

Whereas, consider the quiet and reasonable marriage traditions that have been chucked out the window in favor of spending all the money a couple possesses for a single moment in their lives. If you want to be truly counter cultural, get married in church, on Sunday morning, during the regular service, and have a big cake downstairs afterwards for coffee hour, and then have an actual honeymoon.

Or don’t get married, don’t have any relationships with other human beings at all. Wow. Humanity is so so doomed.

I have to leap up and clean. And force the dogs into the out of doors, because deciding not to go out because of a tiny torrential downpour is not an option. Have a lovely day!


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