Monday will Probably be Better than Sunday

Monday will Probably be Better than Sunday July 25, 2016

This is just so great. It’s like a tinselly Christmas present at the end of July. Read the whole thing, if you can, because it’s the best thing ever. I read all the courses out loud to my mother and husband last night, as a way of trying to recover from a difficult Sunday. Then we watched this.

The whole day wasn’t bad. Indeed, I came ahead in my books I-want-to-read-and-can-because-I-now-own-them count and a pleasant luncheon wherein Matt out did himself in the matter of pork chops. Plus our guests were so funny and fun that I again had the opportunity to curse the size of this great nation and the distance between places. Just as an aside, since Mr. Trump is so simple in his use of words and phrases, does that mean that all the rest of us can have a break and just use the word “great” for everything?

Where was I? Oh, the morning–ugh. So many things went wrong and made me want to climb in a hole and never come out. What happened, you ask? I don’t wanna talk about it.

No, I am going to turn my gaze on the new week and hope for better things. Like beating back the stack of paper on my desk and finding its special tiny drawers. Like finally clearing out the old house to completion. Like reading all the way through my own book from start to finish. Like celebrating the fact that tomorrow Romulus turns ten. Ten! How is it possible that three of the children should have passed this milestone? Fortunately, he wants exactly the same list of presents he got last year. Wish I had just bought two of everything then.

The fact that he is ten means I must be close to the ten year blogging mark. I’ll have to dig around and find that original post. Know that within a few days I had written something called KJS in Pants where I mourned the dubious cut of Mrs. Jefferts-Schori’s trousers. But then I also posted about baking lots of bread and other domestic delights.

Anyway, to mark the occasion, whenever it is, I’ll do something. I’ll give something away maybe, or better yet, I’ll Have a Day Off Blogging! Just kidding. That’s a terrible idea.

And now I am going to return to Uncle Dynamite, which is lots funnier than the Internet this morning. Pip pip.

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