Adventy Home, Book and Kitchen Notes

Adventy Home, Book and Kitchen Notes December 3, 2016

Don’t have a lot of time because I have to go wander around Walmart. I’d rather wander around Wegmans but they don’t have weird large fluffy slippers which I’m pretty sure is going to be what St. Nicholas brings along to all the children next Tuesday. I shouldn’t be telling you this because you’ll probably get a hold of my children sometime between now and then and try to tell them. And that will make me very sad and disappointed, so don’t. Please.

St. Nicholas will also be coming to church this Sunday, with some golden coins and some small orange like fruits–clementines I think. He will arrive during the announcements and disrupt everything.


I am feeling a pressing need to make a blackberry tart. I happened to lay in a supply of mangos, thinking that the children probably needed a mango cobbler at some point over the weekend, and then there were all these blackberries for very cheep. I mean, couldn’t just leave them there. I thought I’d just make a very small tart. Because it is good and right to celebrate both the coming of St. Nicholas, and the launching of my book into wherever it’s going. Thought about putting the book in the children’s stockings but that seemed like a joke no one would think was funny. Instead maybe I’ll just have a small tumblerfull of prosecco along with the blackberry extravaganza.


Really want to wallpaper my kitchen cabinets with some big glorious floral print so that the flowers feel like they are leaping out to devour passers by. You know those kind of wondrous aggressive flowers that seem like they are alive? I can’t find a picture but that’s because I haven’t really looked. This is probably something that exists only in my own mind and will be very hard to bring into material time and space.

And now, I’m sorry to say, Walmart awaits so I must go put on my shopping scowl and go beat my way into some slippers. Pip pip.

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