Offending the World Podcast and Links

Offending the World Podcast and Links April 24, 2017


Good Moaning. It’s going to be pretty warm today which is sad because I need to clean my house. Feel really tragic about it. To console myself I persuaded Matt to indulge in the Usual Podcast wherein we try to understand why human language is turning out to be such a failure in our current cultural and political climate. Gender, politics, theology–we’re  offensive about it all. Enjoy!

And now on to Links. Hmmm. What do we have today?

First up, how bout this thing about the Holy Sepulcher.

And this about the Durrell’s in Corfu.

And Something Anglican.

And this interesting long article about Islam.

And Jonah Goldberg talking to his couch about Bill O’Reilly.

Amen about sugar.

And something essential about chocolate.

And something really funny.

And that’s all there is, there isn’t any…actually, there’s lots more on the Internet. Pip pip!

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