Monday on the No Pride Podcast and Links

Monday on the No Pride Podcast and Links June 26, 2017


Good Morning. This week we weigh on the fact of its being Gay Pride Month and what a grievous concept that is. How should Christians frame the theological question of homosexuality and other sexual immorality? How should the church act and be? We try to answer some of these questions. It’s not the most cheerful podcast we’ve ever done but we hope you’ll forgive us and listen anyway.

First up, here is the CT article that we talk about that was so good.

And then, let’s see.

Since we were talking about love, can’t pass up linking Tim. Hope you’ve sensibly book marked him by now.

I hope this works out!

Things that we did before the internet.

Kate at Peace and Pekoe spot on about the sad loss of the small blog, then she fluffs me way too much, but you should still read the post.

It’s dance recital season, here’s the apologista.

This has already made the rounds but is so good.

Interesting, long, part of my effort at diverse reading.

No architecture today, but its wedding season, and these pictures are fantastical.

This is cool.

The Bee speaking truth to reality.

I’m not going to be making any of this. But if you want to, be sure and tell me how badly it turns out.

And then, if you find yourself needing to make tea for an army, here’s how to go about it.

And finally, Matt’s sermon from the wedding we were so privileged to do. Excellent definition of agape if you were trying to wrap your mind around what it looks like.

And that’s all there is, for real, it’s like the entire Internet. Hope you have a lovely day if you’re so inclined.

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