You (Yes YOU!) Might Not Know What the Gospel is – Skye Jethani

You (Yes YOU!) Might Not Know What the Gospel is – Skye Jethani January 5, 2015

In this video, Skye Jethani makes a bold claim: That many evangelical Christians, even though they think they know what the Gospel is, actually have not ever heard the gospel clearly and succinctly. In fact, they have mistaken the “response” to the Gospel with the Gospel itself.

Why is this video so important? Because it is because we have the gospel wrong that we live dis-integrated lives. We need to get the Gospel right in order to reintegrate faith, life, and vocations.

Skye says,

“The one thing that we all agree on is that the Gospel is the foundation of the Christian faith. Therefore, however you define the Gospel ends up defining all of Christianity. Your understanding of the Gospel is going to determine what you believe the purpose of your life is as a Christian. It’s going to determine what you believe the purpose of the church is. It’s going to define what you believe your mission is. It all hinges on this.”

Why is the Gospel so hard to figure out, after all Christianity has been around for 2,000 years?

Skye says,

“It’s exactly because it’s been around for 2,000 years.”

So, what is the gospel? Watch this video and let me know what you think of it.

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Skye Jethani is an author, editor, speaker, consultant, and pastor. He has served on the editorial team of Leadership Journal and is currently the Director of Mission Advancement for Christianity Today. He is also the Senior Producer of This Is Our City, a multi-year, multi-city project telling the stories of Christians working for the common good of their Communities.

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