Quotable Saturdays: Padilla – Mission is Faithful When it is Holistic.

Quotable Saturdays: Padilla – Mission is Faithful When it is Holistic. October 10, 2015


reintegrate-word-baloon“The reduction of the Christian mission to the oral communication of a message of otherworldly salvation grows out of a misunderstanding of God’s purpose and of the nature of human beings.

It is assumed that God wants to ‘save souls’ rather than ‘to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven’ (Colossians 1:20) and that the human being only needs to be reconciled to God rather than to experience fullness of life. In the final analysis, this is a reduction related to ideas taken from Greek philosophy, not from scripture.

Mission is faithful to scripture only to the extent to which it is holistic. In other words, it is faithful when it crosses frontiers (not just geographic but also cultural, racial, economic, social, political, etc.) with the intention of transforming human life in all its dimensions, according to God’s purpose and of enabling human beings to enjoy the abundant life that God wants to give to them and that Jesus Christ came to share with them. The mission of the church is multifaceted because it depends on the mission of God, which includes the whole of creation and the totality of human life.”


C. René Padilla, Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization“Holistic Mission, Occasional Paper No. 33”


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