Satan’s Screed or the Apostles’ Creed?

Satan’s Screed or the Apostles’ Creed? September 15, 2012

A commenter wrote the following on a recent post:

I personally think the Apostle's Creed should be thrown out. There is ample evidence to refute some of the literal claims it makes. Also, there is nothing in the Apostle's Creed that Satan himself could not claim to believe — so how does the Apostle's Creed separate followers of Christ from not followers? The creed is devoid of any mention of Love. The creed seems more like a Satan inspired distraction from the real teachings of Christ.

What do readers think? Is stating “I believe” X, Y and/or Z as the core of Christian identity fundamentally at odds with, among other things, the teaching of the Epistle of James, which says that there is no merit even to correct beliefs about what is or is not the case, since even demons have such “right beliefs” – what matters is right action on the basis of those beliefs? That does not mean that right beliefs are necessarily altogether unimportant, but the absence of any focus on practice from most of the classic statements of Christian identity is indeed noteworthy. Does it represent a wrong turn in Christian history?


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