Marcus Borg 1942-2015

Marcus Borg 1942-2015 January 22, 2015

The news has been breaking that Marcus Borg has passed away.

Borg was an important figure in two areas that I also live and work in: Biblical studies, with particular focus on the historical Jesus; and progressive Christianity.

Borg wrote a number of excellent books, including ones which illustrated the ability of people who disagree in pronounced and fundamental ways with one another to be friends, as for instance in his co-authored book with N. T. Wright, The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions.

Even when I didn’t find his views persuasive, I appreciated his arguments, his clarity, and most of all his honesty, as for instance when he explained his reason for thinking that Jesus was not an apocalyptic figure: such end-of-the-world figures seemed to Borg to be out of their minds, while Jesus seemed sane.

I used one of Borg’s books as a textbook in my course on the Bible for many years: Reading the Bible Again For the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally.

Borg’s presence and contribution will be missed.


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