Angel at the APA

Angel at the APA August 24, 2016

This joke shared in a comment seemed worth sharing in a blog post:

An angel appears to the American Philosophical Association conference, and announces “God has deigned to answer one question. You have a week to decide; I will return and give you the answer.”

Of course, being philosophers, they argue and can’t come to an agreement. Some want to ask about the correct ethical theory. Others want to know about free will. Others still demand further proof of God’s existence, an appearance like this being inadequate.

Finally, they hit upon what they take to be the perfect solution.

The philosophers’ question to God:—

— What is the ordered pair where the first element is the best question to ask God, and the second element being the answer to that question?

So the angel returns, and they ask it this question. The angel replies:—

— (that question, this answer)

and vanishes.

don't major in philosophy

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