Biblical Scholars Stand With Refugees

Biblical Scholars Stand With Refugees January 29, 2017

If it has been disheartening to see the actions of America’s president and his supporters, and the harmful effects on people that those actions have had on refugees and other extremely vulnerable constituencies, it has been encouraging to see so many people of different backgrounds being united in their outspokenness against these policies. I plan to share as many examples as I can of people and groups speaking out as I become aware of here on this blog, and in particular those from groups that I have either a direct or tangential connection with. And so to begin with, here are two statements from academic organizations in my field or closely related ones. First, the Society of Biblical Literature:

SBL statement immigration ban

Here is another from one of the sub-sections of the SBL, the Meals in the Greco-Roman World Seminar group:

Do you know of other academic organizations that have issued statements? If so, please draw them to my attention and I’ll post about them here!

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