September 25, 2009

“The Bible is like a stringed instrument in this respect. It only works because of great tension. Stop trying to take the tension out of the Bible. If you take away the tension, smoothing over and dumbing down and making everyingthing instructions and promises, all you get is a poorly tuned instrument and really bad music.” — Colin Toffelmire, “The Bible isn’t a bible“, on his blog Random Colin. Read more

September 24, 2009

John Hobbins has an interesting post about believers arguing against and disagreeing with the Bible. I highly recommend it, particularly as it comes from someone who does not in any way consider himself a “liberal”. The Bible includes a story about someone (Jacob) wrestling with God, and God apparently being unable to overpower him. Jacob gets a blessing (and a limp) out of the encounter. It would be a strange conclusion indeed, to say that it is inappropriate to wrestle... Read more

September 24, 2009

Mark Goodacre kindly took the time to both comment on an earlier post of mine that relates to one of his areas of expertise, and to post a more detailed response on his blog. As most who read this will already know, Mark has published extensively on the Synoptic problem and the reasons why he is persuaded that Q is an unnecessary hypothesis to account for what we have in the New Testament. It is not an area that I’ve... Read more

September 24, 2009

I’m grateful to commenter Edson for reminding me to return to a subject to which I promised to return, namely the question of whether Jesus ever claimed to be God. I mainly want to invite discussion of the subject, but I will try to note a few key points first about the use of evidence from the Gospel of John in relation to this topic. First, the uniform style of the Gospel of John and its distinctiveness in language and... Read more

September 24, 2009

The latest issue of Butler University’s student newspaper, The Collegian, includes an article about my recent book The Only True God. I was in two minds about doing the interview, since I’ve had some unpleasant experiences in the past. This time, I’m largely pleased with the outcome, with only one real exception: once again, the student journalist jotted down notes based on things I said, and from those notes constructed “quotes” which do not put things in exactly the way... Read more

September 23, 2009

Proposition 12 of Walton’s book claims that “other theories of Genesis 1 either go too far or not far enough”. Walton considers Young-Earth Creationism, Old Earth Creationism, the Framework Hypothesis and the Gap Theory. Walton’s criticism of the YEC position is that it “goes too far in its understanding of what we need to do to defend the Biblical text…The YEC position begins with the assumption that Genesis 1 is an account of material origins and that to “create” something... Read more

September 23, 2009

Having mentioned the event bringing Willie Dye to Butler University, I want to now post a follow up. At the time I was unaware who was sponsoring the event, but I’ve since found out, in an e-mail that let me know that, after looking further into the details I’d raised questions about, Campus Crusade (the sponsors) have decided to cancel the event. Here’s the text of the e-mail I received, which I must say really impresses me: I wanted to... Read more

September 23, 2009

I’ve had a regular stream of visitors for quite some time, searching for keywords like “Obama antichrist” or “ubamah lightning”, “who’s who scam” and “vista black screen after login”. But it is always refreshing to see a change in what leads folks here. For instance, just now I noticed a few rather more interesting and unusual search terms that brought people here: “ehrman your guess is as good as mine” “is obama the jewish messiah” and perhaps most interestingly, the... Read more

September 23, 2009

Gordon J. Glover offers a brilliant parody of intelligent design arguments in the video he has created for the “Alien Intervention Institute”: And for those interested in how parody, Martha Stewart and the wedding at Cana might relate to one another, I offer my friend Charles Allen’s sermon, “A Lovely Merlot.” Read more

September 23, 2009

I chimed in on a discussion at Honey and Locusts about “interspirituality”. Since I know that there are readers of this blog interested in (and even organizing a blog conference about!) how Christians think theologically about other religions, some may want to take a look at what has been an interesting conversation so far, on but the first of what may be many posts in a series on this subject. As regular readers of this blog will know, I think... Read more

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