To Be Black and Woke

To Be Black and Woke September 21, 2016

wokeby Daniel White Hodge

Sigh…..let me gather my thoughts…I realize here at work I’m supposed to be doing “work.” Like getting this IRB together for a research project, or, reviewing an essay for a journal I’m guest editing. Or…but, to be Black and “woke” in this country here in the U.S.A. is to be in a constant state of frustration and discontent. I had spent the day yesterday discussing the current murder of yet another Black body, then, the love of my life posts an amazing thought and pic of me (Emily White Hodge) talking about the realness of Black life, only to get Whitesplained on how “cops too have to worry about their life everyday.”

Last night I was weary and tired; I had wanted to just go into the convenient store, buy myself some sour gummy worms, and chill out to something on Netflix. I had the normal banter with the employee who worked there; an older woman who was a former teacher and thereby made a connection with. The convo was simple, then we got into the “kids these days” talk, then it moved into “personal responsibly” then onto Sandra Bland. At which point…I knew where this was going.

She went on to say that it was unfair that the city/ police department had to pay Bland’s family money and that Michael Brown was stealing stuff from the store, so why should we be surprised that he was killed….oh, and she ended with “Sandra” having “mouthed off” to the officer, thereby justifying her death.

Folks, I’ve had it, I didn’t even have it in me to respond. I’m so done. I wish I could move from this wretched AmeriKKKan plantation most days. And so I continue with the struggle to just exist. Some of you probably can’t relate, so, let me stop you there and say, I don’t want to hear you explain away “why we should wait” for “further evidence” before we cast judgment. I’m done with people like you. I stand as a man of God, a husband, dad, educator, son, and Black man who’s attempting to exist. I’ll have more, but for now, I’ma leave all this right here. I’m not sure what to hope for over the next decade. All this on the foundations of an embolden White crowd, fueled by Trump and his legacy of racism.

Daniel White Hodge is a R3 Contributor

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