March 31, 2010

As we move into the thick of Holy Week, my morning reading today included this from Judas:  “what will you give me if I hand him over to you…?” There are two intrigues evident in this small but profound passage: 1. Why did the authorities want Jesus? – We’re living at a time in history when lots of people, most people probably, respect Jesus – but not institutional Christianity.  This is why we have bumper stickers like, “Lord deliver me…from... Read more

March 31, 2010

As we move into the thick of Holy Week, my morning reading today included this from Judas:  “what will you give me if I hand him over to you…?” There are two intrigues evident in this small but profound passage: 1. Why did the authorities want Jesus? – We’re living at a time in history when lots of people, most people probably, respect Jesus – but not institutional Christianity.  This is why we have bumper stickers like, “Lord deliver me…from... Read more

March 30, 2010

This past Sunday I spoke on servant leadership and how vital the principle is for our time.  I’d spent the few days before preaching working on a new book I’m writing, and in the course of my studies, sat transfixed as I watched the movie “As We Forgive” about the Reconciliation Project that’s happening right now in Rwanda.  The truth telling, listening, confession, and forgiveness that’s happening there, now, reminds me why God is at work in Africa, and why... Read more

March 24, 2010

You’ve no doubt heard about the parable of the seed and the sower?  It’s one of those stories I’ve seen illustrated with little shreds of flannel when I was in 2nd grade, heard it taught at camp by a guy who illustrated it in what was called a “chalk talk” and studied it in seminary. In spite of all this, it was only today that I was really struck by the fact this guy wasn’t very careful about where he... Read more

March 24, 2010

You’ve no doubt heard about the parable of the seed and the sower?  It’s one of those stories I’ve seen illustrated with little shreds of flannel when I was in 2nd grade, heard it taught at camp by a guy who illustrated it in what was called a “chalk talk” and studied it in seminary. In spite of all this, it was only today that I was really struck by the fact this guy wasn’t very careful about where he... Read more

March 17, 2010

Glenn Beck, the celebrated conservative commentator had some things to say over the past week or so about “social justice” and “economic justice”.  It’s easier to find commentaries on what he said, than it is to find what he actually said, but here’s part of the exact words he spoke: “I beg you, look for the words “social justice” or “economic justice” on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and... Read more

March 17, 2010

Glenn Beck, the celebrated conservative commentator had some things to say over the past week or so about “social justice” and “economic justice”.  It’s easier to find commentaries on what he said, than it is to find what he actually said, but here’s part of the exact words he spoke: “I beg you, look for the words “social justice” or “economic justice” on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and... Read more

March 15, 2010

This past Sunday, our church’s text in Romans 8 reminded me that those of us who are in Christ are, “not in the flesh, but in the spirit.”  As I shared, this is the foundation for establishing a trajectory towards maturity.  Little by little, as we learn to live into this new identity, we’ll be enabled to overcome issues, discover our unique gifts and callings, and gain an increasing capacity to be a blessing to others. All of this, though,... Read more

March 15, 2010

This past Sunday, our church’s text in Romans 8 reminded me that those of us who are in Christ are, “not in the flesh, but in the spirit.”  As I shared, this is the foundation for establishing a trajectory towards maturity.  Little by little, as we learn to live into this new identity, we’ll be enabled to overcome issues, discover our unique gifts and callings, and gain an increasing capacity to be a blessing to others. All of this, though,... Read more

March 10, 2010

David Brooks wrote a NY Times column last month in which he posited that the current economic crisis has been much harder on men then women, pointing out that nearly a fifth of all men between the ages of 24 and 54 were unemployed as of this past November.  He notes that for every 100 men graduating from college, there are 185 women doing so, and ponders the loss of masculine identity. I applaud Brooks for bringing a subject to... Read more

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