Change Begins With Understanding by Robert Ricciardelli

Change Begins With Understanding by Robert Ricciardelli March 12, 2012

If we want to bring influence and create an opportunity for change, we must begin with understanding. Seeking to understand opens the door for change, and it is the demanding to be understood that can slam that door shut. Understanding is the seed for acceptance, and love has no power to influence or change without acceptance. So the desire to love must be we want to love something, we must begin with acceptance. Many try and change things outside the realm of love and yet it is the power of love that creates transformational change. Therefore, we must understand, accept, and love one another through the power of God, and for the glory of God.

Do you see yourself open minded to really understanding others?

How are you in accepting those that believe differently than yourself?

How can God’s love through your life produce change in others?

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