Nothing is Impossible With God by Robert Ricciardelli

Nothing is Impossible With God by Robert Ricciardelli July 28, 2012

With God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God is ever without power or impossible of fulfillment. We have imperfections that are noticeable by others and some that are unnoticeable. People around us are the same way, for we are all human beings in need of a God, and in need of His power. God does not cover up faults and flaws, and He makes it clear that there are no certain people exempt from failure or above others in their ability for righteousness. We must have faith in God and not in mankind, but also faith for God to work in and through the people called by His name. We will be prone to wrong interpretations and often miss the mark. We can be materialistic in our outlook, expectations, and desires. We seldom see beyond our own agendas, and are often withdrawn from any spiritual conception. And yet the Father can do wonders with a handful of people like us; nothing is impossible with God.

Are you realizing your God potential?
Are you believing for the God potential to come forth in those you love?
Will you choose to see beyond yourself and see the amazing possibilities with God?

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