We are Created to Live in Joy and Peace by Robert Ricciardelli

We are Created to Live in Joy and Peace by Robert Ricciardelli May 19, 2012

We have been created for contentment, peace, and joy in whatever condition of life we are experiencing. This can only happen supernaturally through faith in a God who is always with us and who will never leave us. Faith in a God who gives us the ability to accept the things we cannot change, and a God who gives us strength, wisdom, and courage to change the things we can. There are things in life we will never change and we certainly cannot change people. We can however change ourselves through our choices, first for God and secondly to choose to live in the ways of God. This gives us eternal perspectives, brings change to our lives, and we are able accept the promise of joy and peace that only God can bring.

Have you been frustrated at attempting to change things that are not for you to change?

Have you asked for Wisdom on what God may be calling you to change?

Are you willing to make the choice to live in the providence of God that will bring you unspeakable joy and peace?

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