On the radio today: ERRYTHING

On the radio today: ERRYTHING April 6, 2015

I blame the baby!
I blame the baby!

I’m not gonna lie to you: ever since I had the baby, if you took all of my thoughts and put them in a bag and shook it hard, nothing would happen. Because the bag would be empty! Nothin’ in my noggin.

Which is not to say that I’m going to stop talking. Today, just for de heck of it, Mark Shea is going to humor me and let me ruin an entire hour of his radio show, Connecting the Dots, by talking about . . . errything! I already have a long list of topics, but as my grandmother always used to say, more is more. So call in to join us at 1-855-949-1380.

Listen live here from 5-6 eastern. You can also hear podcasts of previous shows here.

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