Army Corps of Engineers Stops DAPL

Army Corps of Engineers Stops DAPL December 4, 2016


I’ve just found out that in a surprise, last-minute decision today, the Army Corps of Engineers has agreed to deny the current route for the Dakota-access pipeline. 

We at Steel Magnificat had stated months ago that the bulldozing of Native American religious sites to build an oil pipeline was comparable to bulldozing Saint Peter’s Basilica to put a pipeline through the Vatican.

This is far from over. The sacred land bulldozed over Labor Day weekend cannot be repaired. The un-ceded treaty lands have not been returned to the Standing Rock Sioux. There is no word that there’ll be any legal action against those who used water cannons in below freezing weather (which is potentially lethal force) against the peaceful protesters over Thanksgiving. But at least the pipeline has been stopped.

May God grant that the Native Americans still living in this country be protected, and may this small step in the right direction be the beginning of a national change of heart. Concern for people, cultures and the environment should always outweigh concern for corporations and financial gain.

(image via Pixabay)

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