On Call and On Stage: An Artist Responds to Wisdom & Wonder

On Call and On Stage: An Artist Responds to Wisdom & Wonder March 26, 2012

By Bart Williams

[This post is part of a conversation around the new book by Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper,Wisdom & Wonder: Common Grace in Science & Art, now featured at the Patheos Book Club.]

Artists On Call in Culture: A Generous Mind Conversation

If you have money, you can be a successful artist nearly overnight.  The music industry is completely run by those who have money and the right friends. It almost seems as though talent doesn’t have much to do with “making it” in the music scene as some of us assume. None the less, these people are major influencers in today’s generation. But what are they doing with their opportunity to influence?

As a fellow musician who gets the chance to be on a stage in front of hundreds of kids at a time during a Claymore Disco concert, I definitely feel “On Call” for Christ at all times. Having a platform or stage instantly gives you more influence in someone’s life.

For example, before playing a set, I could be walking through a crowd of people and no one would give me a second look. But after I get off a stage, people stop me and ask for pictures, hugs, autographs, etc. At those moments I have to decide if I really want to step up to the plate and make an impact in someone’s life by exchanging phone numbers, staying in contact with them, and building a relationship. Nothing speaks louder to a person then actually caring about them.  This proves the necessity of reflecting Christ both on and off the stage.

And on the flip side, as a musician, I also get the opportunity to step into the lives of other bands and musicians. Many of the bands we share a stage with are touring from different parts of the country and have even larger fan bases than we do. If we get the chance to share light to these other major influencers, the end result is a much larger sphere than just our fans, which requires that I stay On Call at all times.

Take a moment to connect with me and my band, Claymore Disco by visiting www.claymoredisco.com and on facebook at: www.facebook.com/claymoredisco


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