The Execution of Saddam Hussein – UPDATES!

The Execution of Saddam Hussein – UPDATES! December 29, 2006

I’ve never been able to rest easy on the question of the death penalty in the US – or the matter of state-sanctioned execution. As a pro-life Catholic, I have issues with it…but on the other hand, I know that there are times it can be considered the better choice. I basically subscribe to JPII’s idea, that one misses a chance for conversion when one’s life is taken unnaturally…but on the other hand, if you know you’re going to die, you do have a chance to convert your heart and mind and ask forgiveness, too.

I don’t like execution…then again, as long as Saddam lives, there is risk of escape, a renewed effort to regroup…that matters, too.

Yeah, I swing back and forth on this issue, and no, that’s not meant to be a grotesque pun.

Stephen Bainbridge does a good job of mulling over Saddam’s execution from a Catholic perspective. While I can see his conclusions – the rationality behind them…I am not happy that this is taking place in the Octave of Christmas. I know for the secular world “Christmas is over,” but for us it is not. I wish the timing were different.

There are things visible and invisible and if a murderous leader of Islamofascists is to be executed during a Christian holy time…just before an Islamic holiday (of which I do not pretend to know much about)…I wonder how it all reverberates in the invisible part. Saddam may be largely a secularist…but many who share his goals are not. Battles rage all about. There is always more going on than we realize.

Saddam is clearly an evil man. But evil men have – throughout history – been turned, “converted” by the Holy Spirit. I know John Paul II preferred we err on the side of mercy and assume God’s not done working on anyone of us.

I cannot say I am sad that Saddam will die. I only wonder what it means in the higher realms of heaven, and here on earth, for us.

My wonderings on all of this are not conclusive – there are merely wonderings. These are big questions.

UPDATE I: I’m getting lots of interesting and thoughtful or thought-provoking emails on this, and also some people asking me whether I am “sad” that Saddam will die. (Assuming his last legal maneuver fails.) No, I am not sad that he will die. But I think we should never enter these things without wondering what it does to us, too, and to our souls. If we stop thinking about that, if we lose sight of the spiritual aspect of everything we do…well, then it will be easy to lose sight of ourselves. In a sense, I am sad for our human condition.

Someone wrote to me that they think the greatest sin is for an evil man to be allowed to live.

But the question then is – who gets to decide what is evil? Can we trust “our” interpretation of evil to be honored by others? I can say Saddam is evil and should be put to death. Someone like oh, Jacques Chirac – or Sean Penn – can say George W. Bush is “evil” and therefore feel justified in working for and celebrating his assassination. Then what? When we start making these broad declarations, and they become acceptable modes of reason, then who do we go to when someone comes into power who thinks that you are “evil,” or I am “evil” (in truth, there are plenty who think that, already – they write me about it often) and that we must be put down?

Like I said…I think Saddam probably should die – for what are apparently hundreds of thousands of reasons. But that doesn’t mean we don’t recognise the gravity of what we endorse.

And that’s all the public ruminating I will do about it. At Evening Prayer, I’ll pray for all of us – left and right, good and bad, monster and victims, savage and sweet – mostly I’ll pray for Iraq, (will it ever be Eden, again?) and for the Iraqis and for our soldiers there. And for America and the American President.

And this is why I should never be in any sort of leadership position. I’m the ruminator in the back of the room. Maybe my next blog will be called “Back Room Ruminator.” In the end the world moves forward, for better or worse, because of the decisive people. I’m clearly not one of them. But as my dear Li’l Bro Thom would tell you…I’m also a Libra! Heh.

Predictably and pathetically, the Bush-obsessed are wondering if Saddam’s execution might help him. Unreal. Some people really can’t function unless everything is wrought through their political wringer.

Related: Saddam, Bush and Eden, Again

Curt at Flopping Aces is running a live thread and showing graphic reminders – you’re warned.

Confederate Yankee has a source who says execution is within hours.

Ed Morrissey has little patience for those (like the NY Times) who decry this action as a “rush” to execute. One DOES have to wonder – if a President Clinton (or Gore, or Kerry) had captured Saddam, seen him tried, etc, would the NY Times be of the same mind? Or would they be carrying on about the justness of this particular execution? Yes, one DOES have to wonder.

Kim at Wizbang has been following with frequent updates. So is Michelle Malkin.

Jules Crittenden talks about what it means for some.

Rick at Brutally Honest is praying for justice.

Blue Crab is blogging updates.

Gateway finds some Saddam “save”iors

Rick Moran calls it a sad conclusion to a sad chapter in history. He’s not conflicted by the sentence, but feels it is much too grave a matter for levity. I concur.

Don Surber surveys the various reactions from left and right and includes a link to my dithering, here!

Iraq the Model is following closely.

Carol Platt Liebau wonders why Europe cries more for Saddam than for his rape rooms.

Pajamas Media has the running round up.

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