September 24, 2007

To sit by an open window of a dark and quiet autumn night and hear in the sounds of distant traffic, the ebb and flow of the ocean (or the rushing water of a stream) is to displace oneself from all that is absolute, solid, identifiable and known, and to seek out the larger space that exists half in-reality and half in-perception. Half in heaven and half on earth. Tonight I sit by a window in a local schoolroom in... Read more

September 24, 2007

Sorry so quiet around here – unfortunately my poor FIL was back in the ER and MIL, who is all ways exhausted, needed some looking after, herself. Things are better and more stable again, but things are also looking uncomfortably fragile. I’m hoping this is all a temporary rough patch, but I guess when people you love are in their mid seventies (no one would guess it, they look so good) it all does get a bit scary, and we... Read more

September 21, 2007

I wrote about Christopher Hitchens’ latest book, God is Not Great – or more correctly about the debate tour he made to promote it, here. But this is a more serious look at the man and the tome, a review by Bejamin Wiker. The most significant problem with Hitchens’s argument is precisely that it does belong in the 18th century, that is, in a time when it was still possible to declaim upon How Religion Poisons Everything (the subtitle of... Read more

September 21, 2007

Suitably flip digs and digs…and it’s pretty amazing what he finds. Remember when the press’ “word of the month” to describe President Bush was “incurious?” – don’t they seem terribly, terribly “incurious” about all of this? Shouldn’t journalists be doing this sort of research and work? I like this part best, but you’ll want to read the whole thing: 2) Hochberg’s political benefaction predates Hsu’s by several years. While Hsu didn’t get his start until 2003 and didn’t really hit... Read more

September 21, 2007

A few of you have surprised me by actually asking for the Part II I promised here. I’ve been collecting nun news for a while and am now ready to dish it for all you nun-lovers out there. First a quick glossary: An Aspirant is someone who is living for a while with a community to see if they feel comfortable and for the community to gauge her as well. Some places call it a “pre-postulancy.” A Postulant is someone... Read more

September 20, 2007

Glenn Reynolds has a wonderful economy of words and he rarely sounds less than curious and ebullient (and we love that in him) but twice today he’s sounded just a wee bit tired of the double-standards that come from politicians, academic institutions, etc., and I rather like reading him this way, too! Here he is on Congress: I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THEM BITCHING ABOUT “EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE,” EITHER: All 13 members of Congress subpoenaed in the Duke Cunningham investigation have... Read more

September 20, 2007

Instapundit links to this rather alarming report. Seems our college students do very poorly on civics tests (probably because they don’t really teach “civics” – or what used to be called “civics” in high school anymore…but they do help students feel really good about themselves so…what could be wrong?) •Average scores for the 25 selective colleges — chosen for type, geographic location and U.S. News & World Report ranking — were much higher than the 25 randomly selected schools for... Read more

September 20, 2007

You’ve seen the Toilet Paper Wedding Dresses! Thanks to reader Anita for this link to the incredible costumes and commissioned paper clothing of Isabelle de Borchgrave. Brilliant! You should see the lace! Read more

September 20, 2007

A few days ago, I posted about goods and gifts one can purchase from monastics, who support themselves from the proceeds. I also included a link to St. Hubert’s Rosaries, which is operated by a home-schooling mom of 9 who came up with a rosary bracelet that doesn’t get bothersome and bulky. Shana thoughtfully surprised me with a gift of one of her bracelets, done in green beads with a Celtic Cross bead and a “Mother with Child” bead as... Read more

September 19, 2007

Some nagging questions coming my way from email…and also my kids, my husband…the dog… What do you think of that Taser Guy? I think “Don’t tase me, bro” will very quickly enter our lexicon. Talk show hosts will use it for a punchline, tee shirts and key chains and bottle openers will carry the legend, and…in about six months…anyone who still says “Don’t tase me, bro” will be hopelessly passe. Why are you writing so much about Hillary Clinton? I... Read more

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