March 22, 2012

… So often we never say what we mean, hold our tongues, or soften our rhetoric to appear more considerate and unoffensive. On the rare occasion when someone actually boldly claims what they believe without reservation I appreciate that honesty. I may hate what it is they say but at least I know where they stand to hate it. Take this pro-abortion advocate for instance; she loves abortion. I mean really hearts it.

I love abortion. I don’t accept [sic] it. I don’t view it as a necessary evil. I embrace it. I donate to abortion funds. I write about how important it is to make sure that every woman has access to safe, legal abortion services. I have bumper stickers and buttons and t-shirts proclaiming my support for reproductive freedom. I love abortion.

Safe and legal are concepts I fully support, but rare is something I cannot abide… there is no need to suggest that abortion be rare. To say so implies a value judgement, promoting the idea that abortion is somehow distasteful or immoral and should be avoided.” [ Jessica DelBalzo, Source]

I think this women’s views are extremely vile and repugnant, but not shocking. I suspect a good deal of pro-abortion advocates feel as she does but refuse to publicly acknowledge how much they really love abortion because it sounds nasty. Certain truths are unpalatable. She’s right though, if abortion is cuddly goodness then why not embrace it in its totality and throw your arms around it. Go ahead, give abortion a big warm hug.

Does the idea of unconditional love for abortion seem a bit extreme or repulsive? If you are a pro-abortion advocate reading this please stop and ask yourself why the idea of loving abortion makes you uncomfortable. Is it because you think of abortion as a necessary evil? A desperate last resort? Something you would not chose for yourself but should still be available for other women regardless?

Abortion is not good for women and you know this in the back of your mind or else you would be proudly embracing abortion like Ms. DelBalzo. If you find yourself making excuses and rationalizations for your support of abortion than I would have to say you are contradicting yourself. You do not believe with your whole heart everything you are trying to convince yourself, and others, you believe. If you feel abortion is a necessary evil why would you want to support evil at all? If abortion is OK as a last resort or act of desperation, then why do you support women being pushed to desperation? If you would not have an abortion yourself, then why would you endorse women suffering a harm you wouldn’t expose yourself to? Why do you continue to advocate something you know not to be in a woman’s best interest?

The only ones waging “war of women” are pro-abortion advocates and misogynistic feminists selling evil and taking advantage of desperate women. I am pro-life. I am pro-woman. I know women deserve better than abortion.

There is no excuse or rationalization that can be made for abortion; either love it with every fiber of your being and show the world your true self or quit advocating it right now.

May 28, 2012

… There are a couple of these pro-abortion sites around, usually hosted by various abortion mills looking to validate themselves that being in the business of murdering infants is a good thing for women. The idea is that woman send them their positive abortion stories to … what… normalize abortion? Brag about? High five over a brew? I’m not entirely sure.

Look, if you need a website to promote or normalize a behavior it’s a pretty good indication that the behavior is, in fact, not normal and thus lose bragging rights. Something is either normal and excepted behavior or it’s not. And while it may be legal, for the time being, it will never be normal or praise worthy for a woman to kill her child.

No matter the statistics, 1 and 3 women will have an abortion in her lifetime and 50 million women have had abortions since Roe v. Wade[1], what these websites fail to do is address whether abortion is good for women. Just because something is commonplace doesn’t make it good, and just because a handful of women write their “positive” abortion stories doesn’t suddenly make abortion not murder. I’m afraid that’s not how it works.

I’ve long felt that abortion was less about reproductive rights and more about a belief system that views children as the enemy and motherhood as repression. Well, and money too. Lots of money. All this talk about the war on women, like the Republicans just made it up for the sake of this single election. Fact is, motherhood and femininity has been under attack since the Sexual Revolution and the invention of the pill.

Now lets take a look at another affirmation pro-abortion website – Thanks, Abortion!

At least this one isn’t a thinly veiled disguise for empowerment stories, they actually hate babies and state so at face value. You can even buy one of their “bad ass positive abortion T-shirts” to prove how much you loathe those shrieking, puking, squirmy things normal people call babies.

So yeah, credit for the half-honesty. I appreciate honesty but I appreciate the truth in full more. So please allow me to finish your incomplete website with the following affirmations to abortion.

Thanks, Abortion … for the post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, increased drug use, self destructive lifestyle, anxiety, prenatal loss, for the increase in premature birth, and protecting statutory rapists.

Oh, and sex selective abortions; can’t forget to add female gendercide to the growing list of abortion positives.

Abortion has been so empowering and positive on me and the other millions of women who have had to seek psychiatric evaluation for mood disorders and suicidal thoughts. Yay for abortion! Can’t you feel the positivity oozing from your computer?

February 3, 2014

… See, this is why I could never be a catechist. I would lose my mind.

Warning: language

A close acquaintance told me that she has several kids in her 2nd grade First Communion class who are obviously not ready. They’ve failed every test and consistently not handed in work. When I asked her if she just spoke to the parents, she said she’s tried. They always promise things will improve but they never do. She wanted my advice.

I suggested she tell the parents exactly what she told me… they are not ready.

Explain to the parents, I said, that you cannot recommend, in good conscience, to Father that their child is ready to receive their First Holy Communion and that perhaps next year they will be more mature. I mean there is no requirement that kids have to receive First Communion in second grade. It’s an important sacrament and imperative for their child’s spiritual development that they get it right. What parent, what Catholic parent, wouldn’t appreciate a teacher so caring that she is trying to impart the importance of the Eucharist on her students by stressing the sacraments are not to be taken lightly.

I felt so certain if she was just honest with the parents about the gravity of the situation the parents would react reasonably, you know, like responsible parents. Give the thought consideration, have a discussion with their spouse, talk to their kid about the sacrament, offer to help them with anything they don’t understand. Typical stuff I like to refer to as obvious normal parenting stuff. I naively imagined their response to her honest candor to be rational and civilized.

Why thank you, good lady. My wife and I will handle this with all the seriousness this situation warrants. You’ve been kind in your instruction and I welcome your honesty. Jolly good. Pip pip and stuff.

Nope. Turns out there aren’t enough rage face memes in the whole wide internet to accurately depict the stunningly bat shit crazy reactions.

She was called a horrible teacher, a lazy teacher, ineffective, worthless, incompetent. You can’t fail my kid, we’ve already planned his First Communion party. Think about the nonrefundable venue deposits. The already printed out invitations. What kind of monster fails an seven year old child?! I am going straight to Sister, Father, Brother, God Almighty Himself. You haven’t heard the last of this!

The uproar was so loud that finally this catechist who doesn’t even get paid but volunteers her own time and classroom supplies, and who dearly loves her students but loves the Eucharist more, was told that she was not allowed to fail any student… even the ones who could care less and can’t even spell Eucharist.

Things have deteriorated so badly that the parents were even able to get a request through to dumb down the Act of Contrition… because it’s too hard and long to remember and boo feakin’ hoo. Seriously. Is that even legal or did I just completely miss the huge ass sign out front that says Catholic Church? Because…


And the drum of poor catechism beats on.

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