Do you know where you are going?

Do you know where you are going? December 27, 2012

How do you feel approaching the end of the year? Are you relieved it’s over, happy to have been alive this year, or looking forward to where you are going? I particularly love this week between Christmas and New Years. It gives us a moment to pause and contemplate where we are in the course of our lives. Reflecting on the state of our dreams, our health, our relationships and finances is a way to see how far we’ve come or to asses how far we still want to go.

Don’t be afraid to take a clear-eyed look at where you are. It’s like getting out your GPS, you decide where you want to go vacation in the mountains and then by plugging in your starting point, your GPS can pick out the best route to get there. Locating yourself on the map of your life, and discovering it’s not where you want to be, is the first part in setting a new direction. Discovering where you are helps your GPS” recalibrate” if you’ve gotten off course, got stuck in a detour, or unexpectedly rerouted by a change in job or an illness, for instance. A change of course is called for so your GPS will find you a new way from here to there.

You may actually be pleasantly surprised to discover that you are further along on the journey than you thought, so you have time for a nice rest break or a side trip!

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