Healed Pain

Healed Pain November 18, 2015

Have you changed your Facebook profile picture to the French flag? Many have. Thousands have been affected from the recent losses in Paris. No loss should be minimized, but when we highlight tragedy of any kind we give it power and energy.5000

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be informed. But it does beg the question of just how many times we have to watch the same video feed or listen to the same report. And, as in the case of the recent events in France, we can easily turn our backs on the many other catastrophes and misfortunes that are occurring simultaneous, a number of which are exponentially more impactful.

The Jewish scriptures tell us, “Time and unforeseen circumstances befall us all.” Planes crash. Buildings burn. Extremists blow themselves up taking innocent people with them. How can we deal with these catastrophes?

Jesus the great teacher is quoted in the Christian scriptures as saying, “Love one another.” Punishing the innocents who faithfully practice a faith that terrorists only claim to embrace is not the way to love one another. We must stand together to compassionately support one another regardless of religion.

Will our pain be healed immediately? No. Like a physical scar, our emotional injuries carry mental scars. It’s said that when scar tissue completely heals it’s stronger than the skin around it. Our scars not only prepare us for future challenges, but they can be a reminder of how we dealt with a situation we couldn’t previously imagine living through.

I read this quote recently:  “Wisdom is nothing more than healed pain.” In the coming weeks we’ll each have the opportunity to exercise wisdom in our dealings with others. We’ll perhaps be more compassionate with others around us, as well as suffering all over the globe, even if those individuals are not of our race, our nationality or our faith.

We are at a turning point in human history. Humankind as a whole is killing the planet and killing its own family. There’s no magic wand to wave, no prayer that heals everything, everywhere immediately. We have a choice to beautify the planet and accept peace. Will we?

We can choose to use wisdom in loving one another and being responsible planetary citizens. There’s always plenty of blame to go around; the media focuses on that because it increases rating.

Instead, let’s focus on the solution:  #TheGlobalVision of #AWorldThatWorksForEveryone.

With Love,




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