Spirituality Tip for Busy Moms #6: Go to Sleep (and I’m Going on Vacation)

Spirituality Tip for Busy Moms #6: Go to Sleep (and I’m Going on Vacation) March 7, 2012

I meant to share the link to this great post by my friend Karen Swallow Prior a while back when she wrote it. Thankfully, the truths it contains are timeless. Although they boil down to “get enough sleep, it’s good for your soul,” the post is very worth reading in full: Want to Follow God? Go to Sleep.

I am on my own way to sleep as I put together posts for the next couple of days. You see, Peter and I are going on vacation! Between two sisters, my mother, our babysitter and her husband, and my Aunt Jane, our kids will be taken care of for the next FIVE DAYS. So do check in on this blog in the week ahead, but do know that I won’t be responding to comments or putting links on Facebook or Twitter (there’s probably some automated way to do such things but I don’t know about that…). I’ll be taking my own advice. Unplugging. Praying. Sleeping. Trying to figure out what to do when I have nothing to do…

I’ll let you know all about it.



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