Why Obamacare Matters to Me

Why Obamacare Matters to Me July 3, 2012

I mentioned a few weeks ago (What Matters to you During this Election?) that I would be blogging about issues related to the upcoming election for Parents.com. My first post is up, and it is a response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision to uphold most of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. I represent the “moderate” political voice. Last week, parents.com posted a “liberal” response, Obamacare: We Should Rejoice by Sharon Lerner, in which she wrote:

Although the Affordable Care Act left these unnecessary middlemen in place, kept employment as a route to insurance, and will leave millions uninsured, I still embrace it. Now we can let our adult children stay on our policies until they’re 26! In 2014, we will be able to get insurance even if we were pregnant or had breast cancer! It will be illegal to deny us coverage just because we had a C-Section! Finally we’re inching toward the rest of the developed world by providing health coverage to more Americans. And I desperately want that.

and a “conservative” response by Suzanne Venker, ObamaCare: A Tax by any Other Name is still a Tax, in which she writes:

Of course the idea of universal health care sounds good. (So does the idea of everyone being equally rich.) But where will the money come from? And what’s the fallout? The question is not, as Democrats claim, that Republicans don’t care about the poor or have a love affair with the rich. It’s that Republicans’ ideas and plans for how to make something work differ dramatically from the ideas and plans of those on the other side.

My response, Why the Safely Insured Should Care About Universal Health Care, begins:

When our son William was 13-months old, he fell and split his ear open. It happened just before dinner, so my husband continued with the evening routine for our daughter Penny while I took William to the Emergency Room. The local pediatric ER serves most of Trenton, NJ, and when we arrived it was moderately full. All of the other children in the room were African-American. One had pink eye. Another vomited on the floor. None of them seemed to face what I would have deemed an “emergency.” No broken bones, no cases of severe dehydration (which had brought us to the same ER a few months earlier with Penny), no gaping wounds other than William’s. I suspected that theirs was simply the emergency of living without health insurance.

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