The Link 3.20.09: Abortion Arguments, Troubled Political Families, and Dever on Multi-Site Churches

The Link 3.20.09: Abortion Arguments, Troubled Political Families, and Dever on Multi-Site Churches March 20, 2009

1. Vitamin Z has a great interview on a robust pro-life way of thinking and acting with Scott Klusendorf, author of a new and important book called The Case for Life (very highly recommended by Justin Taylor).

Here’s a very moving quotation from the interview in which Klusendorf describes how he left malaise on this point and became a pro-life advocate: “Gregg’s signature quote haunts me to this day: “Most people who say they oppose abortion do just enough to salve the conscience but not enough to stop the killing.” That’s a staggering truth. Every time I tempted to quit, I remember it.”

A glowing endorsement of Klusendorf’s book:

“The Case for Life is a veritable feast of helpful information about pro-life issues, the finest resource about these matters I have seen. It is accessible to the layperson, and it lays out a strategy for impacting the world for a culture of life.”
J. P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Biola University; author of Kingdom Triangle

2. A British study has shown seemingly indisputable evidence that same-sex education has significantly improved the performance of girls.

3. This book on the troubled lives of political families looks very interesting.  Hope to read it soon.

4. Will Gray, a Christian and a maker of excellent hip-hop, gets a great review from a Paste Magazine writer (that’s a big deal, fyi–Paste is a musical authority).

5. Mark Dever pens a very provocative piece that touches on his view of multi-site churches, paedo-baptism, and a rubric for addressing controversial church issues. (HT: JT)

–Have a great weekend, all.

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