Things You Should Emulate: Speak for the Unborn

Things You Should Emulate: Speak for the Unborn August 20, 2012

One of the best ministries I know of is called Speak for the Unborn.  It’s based out of Louisville’s Immanuel Baptist Church, a congregation led by powerful preacher Ryan Fullerton that is absolutely on mission for Christ.  The ministry opposes Satan by sharing the gospel with women at abortion clinics, praying for them, and generally doing whatever it can to promote life in a gracious and bold way.

Here’s a bit of info on this ministry:

We are a group of Christians from Immanuel Baptist Church who heard a sermon on the sanctity of life by our pastor in January 2009 and made a commitment to no longer let our pro-life beliefs remain theoretical.

Therefore, we started a ministry called Speak for the Unborn in obedience to the passage found in Proverbs 31:8-9:

“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

The two main components of our ministry are sidewalk counseling and prayer.  We go out to our local abortion clinic twice a week and seek to persuade women not to go through with their abortions and also stand and pray for the Lord to end abortion in our town.  We are also seeking to mobilize other churches to do the same.

Visit the site, which is filled with “how-to” resources to get similar efforts off the ground.

Some churches may already be involved in such ways.  It is a great thing, I think, for churches to a) engage women who need the gospel and b) promote a culture of life by opposing abortion clinics and strengthening crisis pregnancy centers.

Churches themselves do not have to found such efforts, in my view, but it is truly God-honoring when they foster a culture of gospel-driven concern in which members band together, push away from apathy and a “quietist” faith, and plunge into the world to be salt and light (Matthew 5:17).  My own congregation, Kenwood Baptist Church of Louisville, is involved in this ministry, which I love.

How can your church, in whatever community in which it finds itself, go and do likewise in the name of a sinner-welcoming, crisis-conquering, all-children-loving savior?

(Photo of Immanuel/SftU)

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