January 29, 2018

Male performance problems can be found right in 1 Kings 1. King David is 70 years old and bedridden, yet he does nothing sexual with the girl who is lying in his arms. Time for the Jerusalem Men’s Clinic! Read more

January 25, 2018

There is already ample evidence that the New Testament writers did know of loving, mutual same-sex erotic behavior, contrary to claims by progressives in the sexuality debate. Read more

January 22, 2018

The Bible gives no age of consent for sex. It simply teaches that sex must be a loving, lifelong one-flesh union between a man and a woman who are not otherwise related (see Leviticus 18 for who is ruled out by that requirement). Read more

January 18, 2018

Gender identity was seen much differently by the Jews of Jesus’ day than the issue is seen today. Gender was wrapped up entirely in biological realities. True, they did not know about DNA. They did not know that if you alter the sexual organs with which a person is equipped, every remaining cell in their body will continue to shout the gender with which they were born, but if they had known this, they would have added DNA into their... Read more

January 15, 2018

The Bible says that God is not a “lifter of faces.” God doesn’t check your face first to see what color or gender or economic class you are, or to see if you are on a preconceived friends or enemies list. Read more

January 11, 2018

Hell: is it a hideous threat, unworthy of our enlightened age? Is hell merely a state of mind that exists only here on earth? Or is hell a sober future reality that we will want to avoid if at all possible, a place for which any notion of “hell on earth” is just a foretaste? If hell is only here on earth, then it is notoriously unfair, because too many undeserving people suffer it, and too many deserving characters escape... Read more

January 8, 2018

Can reincarnation be compatible with the Christian Gospel? Hebrews 9:27 says no: “It is appointed for people once to die, and after this (comes) judgment.” But that’s only one verse. One verse from the Bible is not enough to prove either yes or no on such a question. What about the verse where Jesus says that John the Baptist was Elijah? Was John a reincarnation of Elijah? Or what about Jesus’ famous line, “You must be born again? Read more

January 4, 2018

So whom should Christians support in our leadership choices? It’s a Hobson’s choice: a choice with no real choice, or no good choices. Read more

January 1, 2018

When Paul complains that the Galatians “observe days and months and seasons and years,” could he have been thinking of Roman superstitions about the calendar? An interesting idea to play with on the first day of the 2018 calendar! Obviously, the first thought we jump to when we read Galatians 4:10 is that the new Roman and Greek Christians in central Turkey have been persuaded that they need to observe all the Jewish holy days if they want to be... Read more

December 28, 2017

Are the “brothers” of Jesus in Mark 6:3 really his cousins, or his half-brothers? Can the word “brother” mean “cousin” in the Bible, and does the word “brother” mean “cousin” here in Mark’s description of Jesus’ nuclear family? Protestants and Jews read Matthew’s statement that Joseph and Mary had no sexual relations “until” (eōs) she gave birth to Jesus (Matthew 1:25) to strongly imply that they began a normal marital sex life after his birth. The fact that Mark names... Read more

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