
Upcoming October 29, 2007

The next couple weekends find me in St. Louis and Spokane. This weekend, I’ll be traveling to St. Louis for the National Youth Workers Convention — I’m thinking about bringing Lily (6) since NWA is offering seats there for only 15K miles.

Then, the next weekend I’ll be at a Mainline-Emergent Dialogue event in Spokane, co-hosted by the Pacific-Inland Presbytery and Whitworth College. If you live around there, or if you can score a cheap plane ticket, I want to encourage you to go. I’ll be there with Doug Pagitt, John Franke, and Karen Ward, and we’ll be conversing about all things emergent, and about the implications for mainline churches and denominations — however, with the four of us together, you’re sure to get a lot more as well…

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