Transforming Theology — This Week!

Transforming Theology — This Week! March 9, 2009

Later this week, I’ll be in Southern California at the Transforming Theology for the Church consultation.  A couple of the events are public, so I encourage you to come if you live in SoCal.  But if not, there are lots of ways to follow our doing.  I’ll do my best to blog here; there’s a YouTube channel; a Twitter hashtag (#TT4C); and the Transforming Theology blog.

A nationwide

program to address the crisis of theology

in mainline churches and seminaries.


Transforming the

Friday, March 13th: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Mudd Theater, Claremont School of Theology
Foothill Blvd. at College Ave. in Claremont

Discussion Leaders:
Tony Jones, Doug Meeks, Mary Fulkerson, Dwight
Hopkins, and Harvey Cox

Panel Participants:
Doug Ottati, Gary Dorrien, Joseph Bracken, Helene
Russell, & Dawn DeVries

Transforming Society

Saturday, March 14th: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Mudd Theater, Claremont School of Theology

Discussion Leaders: Bill Dean, Mayra Rivera, Glen Stassen, Jonathan
Walton, & Emilie Townes
Panel Participants: Ignacio Castuera, Ellen Armour, Joerg Rieger, Laurel
Schneider, & Victor Anderson


The Ford Foundation is helping to fund Transforming Theology,
a program lead by Philip Clayton and Marjorie Suchocki that aims to
rekindle theological imagination and to support progressive theologies
that can transform churches and society.  In partnership with
theologians, denominational leaders, and seminary presidents,
Transforming Theology is working to break down the walls between
academic theology and the church, putting theology back in the hands of
pastors and laypersons.

This first meeting brings together leading progressive theologians from
across the country.  The two evening sessions offer constructive new
suggestions on how theology can transform the church and contribute to
progressive social transformation of our society.  We invite you to
attend, listen, and make your voice heard.
For more information, please visit our website at

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