August 24, 2004

I’m reading this great book right now, How to Read a Book, by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren. It should be required reading for anyone getting a PhD. Read more

August 10, 2004

I seriously can’t think of one thing to say about Doug Pagitt. Read more

February 9, 2004

There’s a free book in it for the first person who finds this blog and emails me. [Update: Too late, I went public before anyone found it on their own] Read more

February 9, 2004

60 Minutes last night was really disappointing — they basically equated evangelicals with people who believe in the Rapture. In other words, evangelical = fundamental dispensationalist. I mean seriously, who really believes in the Rapture? You know who? People (men) who stand to make a lot of money by selling books or running churches that cater to afraid people. Where’s the hope in that? Where’s the anticipation of God’s New Creation. Peter Gomes of Harvard did a fine job, but... Read more

February 7, 2004

Far be it from me to disagree with Brian McLaren, but I will take friendly issue with his latest emergent/c newsletter on two notes: 1) He says that, as far as he knows, little or no postmodern theology has been done. In fact, David Tracy at the University of Chicago has been attempting to deal with the postmodern challenge…Stacey Johnson here at Princeton has attempted to reinterpret Barth in light of postmodernism…indeed, in 1985, Johann Baptist Metz published a book... Read more

January 25, 2004

And away we go… Read more

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