Theology in the Warehouse: A New Program in the Twin Cities

Theology in the Warehouse: A New Program in the Twin Cities April 20, 2015

On May 1, we’re throwing a party to celebrate the inauguration of a new theology program: the Twin Cities School of Theology in the warehouse district of downtown Minneapolis. And yes, some of our 250434_783260298422422_6536222935756645209_nclasses meet in a literal warehouse. “TwinSot,” as we affectionately calling it, is a venture of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. We’ve already had classes running this year. I taught Public Theology last Fall and Missional Theology this Spring. My colleague Thorsten Moritz, who is also the Associate Dean of TwinSot, taught Hermeneutics and New Testament classes. The location has been unique and well suited for doing contextual, collaborative theological reflection. We’ll also be offering a new, integrative theological masters program which can be completed, beginning to end, through TwinSot.

The party will celebrate our official launch. We’ve invited Phillip Clayton (Claremont Graduate School) to speak on creative developments in theological education today. We’re hosting Trip Fuller of Homebrewed Christianity fame to podcast interviews and discussions with Dr. Clayton and with folks involved in UTS and TwinSot.

If you’re in the Twin Cities and are interested in exploring theological education in a unique, ecumenical, and theologically creative environment, check out this event.

Here’s the official invitation (with registration):




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