How To Improve Your Tarot Reading With Crystals

How To Improve Your Tarot Reading With Crystals July 11, 2016

Sun crystals photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Sun crystals photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

Tarot Reading is a complex skill. Luckily it is one that can be improved with time, practice, and a variety of magickal aids that will increase your psychic ability.

  • Amethyst – associated with psychic ability and connection to the Goddess on all levels. Amethyst will enhance your intuition and improve your spiritual awareness.
  • Quartz – this is said to open up the mind and the body to higher vibrations. Quartz can bring guidance on all levels.
  • Moonstone – this stone can help will all levels of psychic ability and accessing the unknown. It is a stone of honesty.
  • Tourmaline– Black tourmaline can be helpful with clearing and releasing energy after a tarot reading. It is said to purify, protect, and help with concentration. Some people even use Black Tourmaline for scrying.
  • Obsidian– this can be used for grounding and centering after a reading. It can also be used to cleanse and deflect negativity.

Once you have obtained your chosen rocks, there are many things you can do with them. Place one or all of the above stones in your tarot bag, or on your tarot altar. The ones for grounding and clearing can be used after the reading, and the others can be used at any time. The crystals can also be laid out in conjunction with your tarot spread. It can be especially helpful to place a crystal on top of your significator and/or your final card to help with clarity and vision. If you have an especially confusing reading try placing the crystal on the final card over night and then carrying it with your during the next day. This will help you to understand the situation on many different levels.
Crystals can also be used to help with your understanding and knowledge about a specific card. Each card is associated with at least one stone. The sun card, for example can be partnered with sunstone, citrine, amber, or other stones to enhance your connection. You can meditate on the Lovers card with a piece of Rose Quartz or Blue Lace agate to unlock some of the mysteries of this card.

Salted Tarot photo by Lilith Dorsey, all rights reserved.
Salted Tarot photo by Lilith Dorsey, all rights reserved.

After you have been using your crystals this way for awhile it may be a good idea to cleanse or recharge them. This can be done by leaving them out overnight during the full moon, or by burying them with salt or in the earth. Alternatively you can cleanse them with water, just sprinkle Holy Water or Florida Water over them occasionally and let them dry naturally.
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