Sterile Nation, Sterile Hearts

Sterile Nation, Sterile Hearts May 22, 2007

Abortion is the murder of a human being. But the solution to murder, to evil, lies not within police, courts, and prisons, but within Christian sacrificial love. Yet most pro-life Catholics in America would disagree with me. Most support legislation (and coercive enforcement) that would outlaw abortion. The assumption is that this would save countless humans from being murdered, and that this would be a terrific victory over evil.

I agree that it would end the majority of abortions, but I disagree that it would be a victory over evil. Christ carried a cross, not a sword, and defeated evil through self-sacrifice and mercy -through love. Violently coercive legislation will only draw America deeper into the culture of death.

If laws are passed against abortion, we will see more of this: Women looking for a simple way to avoid their menstrual period could soon have access the first birth control pill designed to let women suppress monthly bleeding indefinitely.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expect to announce approval Tuesday for Lybrel, a drug from Wyeth which would be the first pill to be taken continuously.

Lybrel, a name meant to evoke “liberty,” would be the fourth new oral contraceptive . . .

If abortion is outlawed, do we think that the forces of death will shrug, sit down, and say, “oh well, I guess we lost?” There are vast demonic currents running through our country, and they’re hellbent on the annihilation of our children. Do we think that police, courts, and prisons will stop them?

If abortion is outlawed, we will see massive resources spent on the sterilization of America. Already, most Americans condone contraception. Among non-Catholics, it isn’t even a question – it is an assumption. It’s assumed that we shouldn’t have to sacrifice ourselves to bring life into the world. Is it any wonder that we bring death instead?

Among ever-married women aged 15–44 years in 1995, 41 percent were surgically sterile (15.3 million women) . . . Surgical sterilization has grown to be the most common method of contraception among women of reproductive age in the United States . . . The most frequently cited reasons for tubal ligation and vasectomy among women who had any births were that one or both partners wanted no more children. (Surgical Sterilization in the United States CDC)

Abortion might end in this country, but the culture of death will march on. The solution to evil is the Gospel, is the evangelization of our families, streets, and states. This isn’t just talking about Christ. This is living like him – in community, among the poor, serving the lost, frail, and forgotten. This means glorifying the beauty and sacredness of all life. This means sowing joy in sterile hearts. This means, as always, starting with ourselves.

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