With Begging Bowl In Hand

With Begging Bowl In Hand December 3, 2008

(A Zen monk doing Takuhatsu – begging)

As the year draws to a close, I’ve been getting year-end solicitations in the mail, as you probably have too. Then today I looked at the Wild Fox bank statement… there wasn’t much there and I quickly put the two together.

Now I want you to know, I’m committed to offering what I can here on a donation basis, and will continue doing so whether I ever get another nickel. What I’m offering is not contingent upon donations, so it’s not required that you give anything. I promised Katagiri Roshi that I would do my best to transmit the dharma, whatever the circumstances.

You can see what’s happening here at Transforming Through Play Temple in White Bear Township, Minnesota, by looking at the right side-bar for upcoming offerings – sesshin, Dogen study, zazen, etc.
This blog has become a major part of my teaching and more than 1,200 different people in the US, Ireland, Sweden, China, the United Arab Emirates and beyond have at least glanced at it in the past few weeks. From what I’ve heard in comments and in virtual practice meetings, the blog primarily serves practitioners who aren’t supported by practice centers. Just like true wild foxes living at the edge.

If what you’ve seen here has been important to you, I invite you to make a contribution (in addition to your comments, which are a wonderful gift, as well).

Your donations would help support the practice here so that we might, some day, have a larger space to welcome you to join us for sesshin and daily practice.

I envision a different kind of Zen community, springing out of the earth, as the Lotus Sutra says, with deep roots in Dogen’s teachings and wholehearted shikantaza, while honoring breakthrough and exploring the edge of postmodern power relationships (beyond authoritarianism and groupthink).

Donations can be made through the PayPal button, also over on the right sidebar. Wild Fox Zen is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization for those of you in the USA.

Thank you,


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