Back from Spearfish and Intimate Self Knowledge

Back from Spearfish and Intimate Self Knowledge April 25, 2010
Above is a shot of the Badlands of South Dakota – eerily beautiful county. I spent the last part of last week in Spearfish, South Dakota, which is nestled in the Black Hills about 100 miles to the west of the Badlands. There is something about the earth’s manifestation there that I find very evocative.
There was plenty of time in the schedule to see the sights so Gar and I (and Bodhi) went to Devil’s Tower and Mount Rushmore (which was shrouded in fog and not open to dogs).
While driving around lost way off the blacktop, we came upon a rundown little farm. I said, “I could live in a place like that.” I was thinking that I could really get a lot of writing done in that environment. Gar said, “Are you crazy?!”
Anyway, I presented Buddhism to a philosophy class, offered zazen instructions and also did a Saturday morning workshop on Zen basics – sitting, studying, working. The philosophy class included a bunch of young people who wore crosses very visibly displayed. Not sure if there was a message for me there or not. My host, Richard, said they always dressed like that.

Nevertheless, I encouraged them to go as deeply as possible into whatever tradition moves them. 

During the zazen instruction session and the workshop I emphasized intimate self-knowledge. Not the psychological kind, although that’s fine by me, but the dharma realization kind. 
And maybe because I’m getting more clearly into being an old skin bag, I notice that my teaching has shifted. There just doesn’t seem to be time for gradual skillful methods, following the breath and smiling and all. Just now! Now! Now!

Like the man said,

An explosive shout cracks the great empty sky.
Immediately clear self-understanding.
Swallow up the buddhas and ancestors of the past.
Without following others, realize complete penetration.

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