BBC IWonder Guides on Religion

BBC IWonder Guides on Religion August 30, 2015

buddhist museum


BBC developed IWonder interactive guides in 2014. The guides “explore a range of factual and education topics from Science and Natural History, Arts, History, Religion and Ethics, Food and more.”

They are colorful, interactive, and easy to read and often include short video and audio clips, infographics, and excellent written summaries.

The IWonder guides that deal with religion are terrific. For example, the guide, “Why do Buddhist meditate” includes a terrific video clip with host, Betttany Hughes, the British historian.

The guide on the Baha’i, “Can a religion accept other faiths,” includes a clip with host, Rev. Peter Owen Jones, the English Anglican clergyman and author,  and a great slideshow of important Baha’i sites.

Here are IWonder guides that deal with religion.



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