Why I Despair For the Church

Why I Despair For the Church September 30, 2012

Here is a fellow who considers himself a Christian but showed his true colors when I pressed him a little on the issue of abortion. He said “What’s the point of passing a law that just forces the unsaved to act a little less unsaved?” I responded by asking “What’s the point of passing a law against infanticide?”

Heretofore he’d managed to keep his capitalization and punctuation under control, but I guess I touched a nerve. I quote verbatim. (This comment got a “like,” I might add. On a Christian website.)
“infantcide”? really? i couldn’t care less if a woman aborts a fetus. there…i said it! the unborn is the unborn!!!! killing an “infant” is something ENTIRELY different!!!!!! SHOW ME WHERE THE BIBLE DEFINES “MURDER”. PLEASE STOP PUTTING WORDS IN GOD’S MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know, that in Jesus’ time (the first century) the use of pennyroyal for the prevention of and termination of pregnancy was quite widespread. WHY DID JESUS NEVER PREACH AGAINST THIS????? TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, it might be darkly comical if it wasn’t so heart-breakingly, devastatingly sad.
This is where the church is going.
Somebody rescue it.

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