September 13, 2011

Here is the first “hasty notes” installment for NQC. These were my immediate impressions, captured as I was watching the webcast, so they’re written as a stream of running commentary in the present tense. Enjoy. I’m too tired to proofread, so forgive any typos. Opening: Tim Lovelace is in the audience interacting and making jokes. Little awkward since there aren’t that many folks around. But he is very likable. He gives away a couple free Booth Brothers and Greater Vision... Read more

September 12, 2011

What does it mean to covet? I’ve always had a general idea of “coveting” as “wishing you could have or enjoy something someone else has or enjoys.” But I think that general notion can be separated into two very different things. Let’s imagine your friend Joe gets a ticket to go to NQC for the first time, and you can’t go because you can’t afford it. When he joyfully informs you of his good fortune, let’s say your first reaction... Read more

September 11, 2011

Everybody else will probably be asking “Where were you?” so I’ve decided I’ll do something a little different for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Anybody who knows me knows that I have a passion for language—specifically, its proper use. One of the things that I absolutely cannot stand is when people use the word “tragedy” for something that is not a tragedy. Let me explain. A 4-year-old dies of leukemia. A young mother is paralyzed in a car accident. A... Read more

September 9, 2011

Nate’s Southern Gospel Ponderings and Southern Gospel Yankee are uniting for our first joint review! Enjoy our thoughts on Legacy Five’s latest release, A Wonderful Life. 1. A Wonderful Life Yankee Gospel Girl: The title track, penned by Jim Brady, is very smooth. It sounds, not surprisingly, like something the Booth Brothers might do (compare it with “Don’t Hang Your Head And Cry” from Jubilee 2). Brady is great at writing new songs that sound old. Jazzy piano coordinates well... Read more

September 8, 2011

Please raise your e-hand if this is you. I sure need it to help me laugh at myself and focus on my actual life (what a concept). Speaking of life, college is officially underway. I have no intention of abandoning the blog and plan to continue posting regularly (including Lord willing some remarks during NQC), but bear with me as the posts may become less frequent through the school year. Many thanks to all for your faithful readership so far. Read more

September 6, 2011

Here’s a video of Signature Sound’s recent performance at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. [Update: A higher-quality version has been uploaded in the mean-time, so I’ve embedded that link instead.] To my ears it sounds like they lowered it a half-step from the usual key. Anybody else hearing the same? Read more

September 5, 2011

So the other day I’m wearing my Signature Sound Cats tribute T-shirt (one of the ones that still had Tim Duncan on it, featuring all four in their matching suits), and somebody asks me “Who’s that on your shirt? I was curious ‘cuz I didn’t recognize them.” When I explained that they were a gospel quartet, he said, “Oh okay, so it’s not a boy band.” It must have been Devin’s hair. 😀 Read more

September 2, 2011

NQC and politics: I’ve already stated what my views basically are in assorted comments on other blogs, but I thought I would collect them in somewhat more organized form here. So, last year it was Sarah Palin, this year it’s John Ashcroft. Some people think this is great, others don’t. I thought it might be helpful to look at the people who don’t think this is such a great idea and break them up into three rough groups, recognizing that... Read more

August 31, 2011

In the Church today, it’s apparently becoming narrow-minded to watch your mouth. I’ve seen Christians who look down on other Christians for thinking that language still matters. Some try to claim it’s all “a heart issue,” and the actual words aren’t as important as the spirit in which they are said. I beg to differ. I realize it can be taken to the other extreme. For example, I’ve known wonderful, godly people who think it’s a sin to say the... Read more

August 29, 2011

Recently fridaynightrevival put up a post highlighting a forgotten gem from Gold City’s Standing in the Gap called “All That I Am.” Written by Terry Franklin with his wife Barbi, it’s a quietly majestic piece with powerful lyrics and a melody reminiscent of Danny Boy: [gigya src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”250″ height=”40″ flashvars=”″ allowScriptAccess=”always” wmode=”window” /></object>] FNR said he believed somebody should bring it back, and I agreed. However, instead of coming up with my own idea of who should revive it,... Read more

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