Praise for "The Nones Are Alright"

Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
The Nones Are Alright
A New Generation of Believers, Seekers, and Those in Between
by Kaya Oakes

"In 'The Nones Are Alright' accomplished journalist, writer, and Catholic revert/None/agnostic Kaya Oakes leans close to listen to doubters, reverts, agnostics -- all the people slipping through the cracks in the institutional walls -- as these people tell stories of their efforts to build communities of faith, of living in-between traditions, and of the long struggle to articulate (and perhaps believe in) the mystery called God. What she hears both comforts and inspires, disturbs and challenges. But, as Pope Francis said in Tel Aviv, "the walls which divide us can be broken down only if we are prepared to listen and learn from one another." This is what Oakes herself has, quite provocatively, done." ~Patrick Gilger, SJ

12/1/2015 5:00:00 AM
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